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HomeEconomyWhat is The Taylor Rule and How it Can Help Investors?

What is The Taylor Rule and How it Can Help Investors?

If you are interested in investing, you might have heard of the Taylor Rule. But what is it and how can it help you make better decisions? In this blog post, we will explain what the Taylor Rule is, how it works, and what are its advantages and limitations.

The Taylor Rule is a formula that tells us what the interest rate should be based on inflation and economic growth. It was invented by John Taylor, an economist from Stanford University, in 1992. He wanted to find a simple and consistent way to guide monetary policy, which is the action that central banks take to control the money supply and influence the economy.

The Taylor Rule says that the interest rate should be equal to the inflation rate plus 2%, plus or minus some adjustments for how far inflation and growth are from their targets.

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario.

Suppose the target inflation rate (π) is 2%, the equilibrium real interest rate (r) is 2%, and the target output gap (y) is 0. If the current inflation rate (π*) is 3% and the output gap (y*) is -1%, we can use the Taylor Rule to calculate the recommended nominal interest rate (i).

i=2+3+0.5(3−2) +0.5(−1−0)

i=2+3+0.5(3−2) +0.5(−1−0)

After the calculation, we find that the recommended nominal interest rate is 4%.

Logical Explanation

The idea behind the Taylor Rule is that the interest rate should respond to changes in inflation and growth to keep them stable and close to their targets. If inflation is too high, the interest rate should go up to discourage borrowing and spending, which would reduce the demand for goods and services and lower the prices.

If inflation is too low, the interest rate should go down to encourage borrowing and spending, which would increase the demand for goods and services and raise the prices.

Similarly, if growth is too high, the interest rate should go up to slow down the economy and prevent overheating, which could lead to inflation and financial instability. If growth is too low, the interest rate should go down to stimulate the economy and create jobs.

How can the Taylor Rule help investors?

The Taylor Rule can help investors understand how central banks set their interest rates and what factors influence their decisions. By following the Taylor Rule, investors can anticipate how interest rates will change in response to changes in inflation and growth, and adjust their portfolios accordingly.


If investors expect that inflation will rise above the target, they can expect that the central bank will raise the interest rate, which would make bonds less attractive and stocks more attractive. On the other hand, if investors expect that growth will fall below the target, they can expect that the central bank will lower the interest rate, which would make bonds more attractive and stocks less attractive.


First, it is based on some assumptions that may not always hold true in reality, such as a constant equilibrium interest rate of 2% above inflation, a symmetric response of 0.5 to deviations from targets, and a linear relationship between interest rates and inflation and growth.

Second, it does not account for other factors that may affect monetary policy, such as financial stability, exchange rates, fiscal policy, expectations, and uncertainty.

Read: Fiscal Policy: The Government’s Economic Toolbox

Third, it does not tell us how fast or how often the central bank should adjust its interest rate in response to changes in inflation and growth.

Fourth, it does not guarantee that following it will lead to optimal outcomes for the economy or society.

Therefore, while the Taylor Rule can be a useful tool for investors to understand and predict monetary policy, it should not be taken as a rigid rule or a substitute for judgment. Central banks have more information and discretion than what the Taylor Rule can capture, and they may deviate from it for good reasons. Investors should also consider other sources of information and analysis when making their investment decisions.

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